Looking up never looked so......bad?
Time to call The Ceiling Doctor!

Over the years smoke, grease, soot, nicotine, dust and more can greatly discolor your ceiling. Making your building less desirable to customers, guests and employees. Not only is a dirty ceiling unattractive but it can also pose a serious health risk.
Make the best first impression possible with regular visits from The Ceiling Doctor! We can restore the brightness and beauty of your original ceiling with our special process. Most ceiling types can be restored creating a brighter, cleaner, safer and more appealing space. All for a fraction of the cost of replacing!
We also take an active role in preserving our environment. All of our cleaning and coating products are water based and environmentally friendly, so you can feel good about your decision. We recycle as much of your current materials as possible to create less waste bogging up our landfills while also saving you money!
Check out our different service options! If you are unsure of what would be best for your ceiling, we will come out and do a free quote and show you just how big of a difference it will make and how much you can save!